Top Linux Commands

Balaji MJ
1 min readFeb 4, 2021

This article explains top Linux commands.

Top File Commands for Linux Operating Systems

ls-Directory Listing

ls-al-Formatted Listing with Hidden Files.

ls-R-Path-Recursive Listing with all subdir

cd dir- change directory to dir

pwd- show current directory

mkdir dir- create a directory dir

rm file- delete file

rm-f file- force remove file

cp file1 file2- copy file1 to file2

touch file- create or update file

cat>file-place standard input into file

more file-output the contents of the file

head file-output the first 10 lines of the file

less file-like more, with extra features

cat file-view file, but it scrolls

File Permissions

chmod u+rw file -Give yourself read and write permission

chmod u+x file-Give yourself execute permission

chmod a+rw file-Give read and write permission to everyone.

Search Linux Commands

grep pattern files -search for pattern in files

grep -r pattern dir-search recursively for a pattern in dir command

grep pattern-search for a pattern in the output of the command

locate file -find all instances of file


ssh user@host-connect to host as the user.

ssh -p port user@host -connect to host on the port as a user.



Balaji MJ

I write about Software Engineering, Backend Development, Algorithmic Trading, Quantitative Finance, and our Mind and Universe.